
Friday, March 26, 2010

Go Lakers!

Last night Kera, Natalie, and I took our Young Women to go see Bonneville's version of Les Miserables. It was really fantastic. I teared up three times. I have always loved that play but there was something really special about it being put on by a bunch of (EXTREMELY) talented high school students.

Standing in the foyer, waiting to take pictures with our girlies, I looked over at the gym, and then down the hall at the Junior lockers. High school smells, thoughts, and feelings started rushing back. Natalie (Dixon Stephens) turned to me and said, "This is weird. I feel self conscious again, like I did in high school." It was funny, I got the feeling I used to get on the way to PE with Burg? Can't remember the coaches name.

It's funny to think back on how the world looked and felt back then, and then to see how far we've all come. On the walk to the car, Natalie told me how she thought her life would turn out and how happy she is that it is different than what she had planned. All I could think was... ME TOO. ME TOO.

I don't think I could have imagined Russell if I tried. I love our life, even the daily struggle of it all. Happy times. Interesting the perspective you can get from attending a high school play.


  1. Isn't that great that we don't always get what we want!? There are plenty of things that I thought I wanted before. I'm so glad that Heavenly Father didn't answer my prayers the way I wanted Him to! I'd never have gotten to marry Spencer or meet my Amazing Beautiful wardy friends!

  2. Aww. It's pretty rad. And yet, I did get everything I wanted.. just in different ways, you know? It's pretty cool, and here we are Dani, still at the very threshold of our lives.

  3. Sometimes I miss Bonneville High! I don't think I would go back and do it again, but it was good times while we were there. I probably miss it because I don't get to see friends like you all the time like in HS. Great post!
