
Thursday, March 25, 2010

the ROOM

Wow. It's already March. And close to April. The past few months have really flown by. I am pulling through level two and it looks as if I am on schedule for graduation next Spring. I will be taking Math 2020 this summer to make Level three a bit easier in the fall and so that I can do well on the Praxis. School has been my main focus. I feel that I have neglected so much! The "study/junk room/spare room/Anna's room" is a disaster area. It seems to be the place I pour out my backpack, YW bag, and throw all my coats, gloves, and scarves. I might take a picture and post it with this tomorrow... if you are lucky. Or if I have the guts. I feel like this little room is my room because of all the time I have spent at this computer with school work. I went over my transcript today. I have a TON of credits. With how hard I am working now that I finally know how much I am doing... I regret not being so focused before.

New Ambition.. This weekend I will clean the spare room. I will have a focused and organized working space for the rest of the semester... And next...

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